Aikido is a Far Eastern martial art coming from Japan. The original form of the Aikido, the Daito-Ryu Aiki-Jujutsu, comes from the battlefield and has been sophisticated and perfected by the warrior class of Japan, the samurai. The weapons which were used by the samurai are, among others, the sword (Katana), the lance (Jo) and the knife (Tanto). Therefore, all the movements and techniques in the Aikido have integrated the sword guide as the main element and characteristic feature.
The founder of the Aikido, Ueshiba Morihei (1883-1969), has transformed this art of war into a defused form of the original version, but without forgetting the element of cutting with an imaginary sword.
A path which can be taken in aikido is the path of going forward and leaving the past behind. Each aikido technique is based on the fact that the “attacker” and the „attacked one“ approach and meet each other, not as often happens when the “attacked” defends or runs away, but takes the initiative himself and becomes an „attacker” or the „executor“.
In Aikido it can also be learned that the “attacked” takes the sword into the hand and becomes active. He does not simply learn to wait until it is too late, but he learns to enter into the event at the right moment and to emerge from it without being harmed.
An essential aspect of aikido training is the constant falling and standing up. By falling, which is the end of each aikido technique gets the one who gets thrown one the possibility to re-estimate the situation and to take a new way. The person who falls is not falling voluntarily or because he gets thrown, the person falls because he sees a possibility of withdrawing from a situation and thereby gaining a new overview.
The daily training allows the trainer to train his attention. The trainer also finds his ability again from which point, in time and space, a situation becomes dangerous for him and when this starts to defuse again.